Thursday, January 14, 2016

SO much confusion!!

Today is a mixed up kind of day! I know I am on a path to better myself, but I don't know where to start or what to do! My focus for today is to start organizing my house. This is probably my second biggest stressor.  When I wake up and look around, or need to find something but can't, I get stressed out. I KNOW I don't have to get stressed, and this is a stressor that came be removed from my life! So today and this week, marks the start of me KICKING my stressor of MESS out of my life for GOOD!

I think I'm going to hit the worst issues first, My paperwork and my closet. Wish me luck, I'm going to bloody need it!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The day things are going to start changing.

Today it started. I have been trying for years, to find my purpose. Today I decided it's time to take control of my life, but then I realized, I have been in control if it all along! There are many areas of my life that I NEED to improve or overhaul. But this is not an overnight process. I am going to make 2016 count as a turning point. This is the year I find happiness for myself. These are the areas I want to improve on

I want to be more organized, and able to keep my house tidier and cleaner.

I want to feel happy in my own skin, become healthier, and learn to love myself for who and what I am, and not strive t be someone I am not. I need to learn that I am good enough!

I want to focus on my moods. I have a lot of anxiety. I feel depressed at times and I feel like a fraud, as I keep so much of my low feelings locked away. People who meet me are not really meeting 'me'. My friends are not really my friends, they are the friends of the personal I present. I want to be happier and actually happy with myself. I want to self develop.

I want to be a better wife to my husband. He loves me so much, yet I know I cause him undue stress because I am so low about myself, and inadvertently take it out on him. I don't mean to, and I dont want to. I want to change this and be the happy person he once met.

I want t pay off debt. We have too much, it makes me want to vomit. We have to pay off over $50,000 of credit card debt. This doesn't include mortgages, car loans or the timeshare. That's all I can say. I got to pay it off. I literally feel sick at the thought of how much debt we have.

I want to get healthier, eat better. I need to be better at cooking healthy meals that my family will like. I need to work on meal planning and being or organized in this area. this ties in with having a more organized house and treating myself right.

I want to make a difference in the world. I started a group to help clean up trash from the nearby waterways, and my daughter enjoys this with me.

And on a side note, someone told me I am a positive influence, so I am going to take that compliment and run with it :)